
What Does Jesus Really Want?

What does Jesus really want? Religious perfection or perfected relationships? Does he desire that we’ve dotted all our “I’s” and crossed all our “T’s” or does he want a broken spirit and a contrite heart? Is he searching for me to get all that I can out of Sunday, or does he want me to be all that I can to someone? These are the questions we ask as a church. Challenging? You’d better believe it! Still, there must be a balance between what we do and how we do it. Finding the key is a difficult task.


Joshua Tucker said...

Your post reminds me of today where Tony preached about the parable of the pharisee and tax collector. We focus on the outside naturally, but God is always after the heart more than anything. Thanks for the posts and great example bro.

Chris Johnson said...

Thank you Josh. This is a very difficult idea that Christians must try and get their heads around.