
March 1- It's OK To Encourage

Leviticus 24:1-25:46
Mark 10:13-31
Psalm 44:9-26
Proverbs 10:20-21

Proverbs 10

20 The words of the godly are like sterling silver;
the heart of a fool is worthless.

21 The words of the godly encourage many,
but fools are destroyed by their lack of common sense.

This text brings me back a couple years or so to a lesson that I learned wrong. It seems that a while back, I was told or lead to believe that if a person is gifted at encouraging, they really have no place in the kingdom. You may say, "That's ridiculous", and you'd be right. Still, the idea came about that mankind so desperately needs its ears tickled, that the best thing a Christian could offer the world is a firm rebuke. Why see the positive when there is so much ungodliness going on? Why point out a single good work, when a single sin is destroying the individual? And like that... poof... my words became harsh and hurtful. I became discouraged, believing that it was right to kick a man when he was down, and wrong to spend time encouraging those who were weaker. "There are better works to do than encourage and mentor." Once again, this seemed to make sense. "Why mentor the saved, when there are lost that need Christ? Why encourage the broken, when sin runs so thick through their veins? Why help the helpless, when you could challenge the helpless to help themselves?" With such persuasive words, the encourager became replaced by the prophet. And yet, here in Proverbs we see a verse that says, "The words of the godly encourage many."

Obviously, God is calling us to balance. He desires us to do and say the right things. To be both bold and humble, to speak both about sin and salvation. The balance is what is needed. I want to suggest that it is not wrong to encourage the helpless, serve the needy, and pickup the sinner. Likewise, it is very much right to rebuke sin, declare justice, and to hold the world to a high moral standard. Having good balance is good! Good balance can transform lives for the Lord.

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